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Why You’re still Unemployed



Do you continue to ask yourself why you’re still unemployed? Getting a new job is a difficult task, trying to find one with the stress of being unemployed is even harder! Many people think that blasting out a resume to every employer in town with an open position is the most effective way to find a new job, but it’s not. There are so many actions unemployed job-seekers can take to improve their search and many are often neglected. If you are struggling with finding a new job, here a few reasons you may be having trouble.



You’re not networking

One of the most valuable tools in your job search is your network. From family members to former colleagues, reach out to all of them! Everyone you know should be aware that you’re looking for work so they can keep you in mind for any positions they come across. Since you’re unemployed, you should be out there everyday talking to people, attending networking events and getting your name out there in your industry. It may seem like a lot of work, and it is, but it’s invaluable as a job seeker. Sitting behind your computer screen won’t get you very far!



You’re not presenting yourself well

From your resume to your cover letter to your phone interview skills, you have to hone in on every detail an employer sees and perfect it as much as you can. Make sure that all emails and communications with a potential employer are error free. It takes a lot of work, just like networking, but presenting yourself professionally at every step in the process is essential to getting your new job.



You’re applying everywhere

Recruiters and hiring managers will see that you blanket cover letters and resumes to every position they post. They won’t be more inclined to call you for an interview just because you applied 10 times. This goes along with #5 in that you have to have a plan. Applying to any and every position will only make recruiters think you’re desperate and they’ll begin to ignore your applications when they come in. Be selective about what positions and where you apply.



Negative mindset

It’s easy to get down when you’ve been unemployed and unsuccessful at finding your next job. It won’t help though! During your period of unemployment, staying as positive as possible about potential opportunities and your skills will show in your interviews. If you show up to an interview down and defeated, the hiring manager will notice. Look at the upside of your job search and consider each interview or potential opportunity a step in the right direction.



You’ve got no plan

You may think scouring job boards and applying to any decent position is all you need to do, but you have to be more strategic in a search. Map out potential titles, employers, positions and qualifications you’re going to stick to in your search. Sign up for email alerts from sites like Indeed and apply strategically. This also goes along with networking, connect to people at the companies you’re interested in and try and methodically work your way up to an interview.



You’re asking for too much

If you were at a certain level at your last job and you’re unwilling to budge on a salary cut, rethink this. Every company has different budgets and salary levels and if you’re asking too much from the get go, it can hinder your chances of moving along through the interview process. Research as much as you can about the potential company’s salary requirements and what they are offering, don’t go too far above. Sites like offer some good insight on larger employers.



How to find a job


All of us wish to find that one perfect job that suits our particular needs, skills and personality the best. But do we really know what we are looking for? Would we be able to recognise the right opportunity in advance, before we even see what it is actually like in day-to-day reality? We bring you some tips and food for thought when figuring out what your ideal occupation could be and how to find it. 



Think about the important 


First we definitely recommend to grab a good old piece of paper and create a few simple lists. Think about your education, skills, experience, personality, interests, plans for the future and other things you personally deem important and list all of them. If you already had a job in the past you should also evaluate this experience. You should consider what it was you did not like at your previous job(s) and what types of jobs you need to avoid in the future based on this knowledge. Also try to think about your priorities – what you are willing to sacrifice and what could be an absolute dealbreaker - because you cannot expect all of your requirements to be met. 


When creating those lists, don’t forget to be honest with yourself. For example, if you learned a few German phrases five years ago do not add this to your list of skills or to your CV. If you have a problem evaluating yourself fairly you can ask your friend, parent or spouse for help. You can also contact a professional coach if you are really struggling with this part. 



Try to imagine your perfect job 


Most of us have a very vague idea of our perfect job. And the cause of this probably is the fact we do not know ourselves well and we do not realise our priorities and desires. Sometimes it’s because somebody told us what we “should” want to do or because we do not think about these things deeply enough. So, with some but not the absolute regard to your reality, imagine how your ideal day in the workplace could look. Where do you work? Wales? London? Who are your colleagues and bosses? How much should this job pay? What about your working hours? And so on. Once you have the closest idea you can get, try to integrate this idea with the aforementioned lists of important things. Try to find, so to speak, a centre, a point where all of these requirements and conditions converge in a realistic way. 


Then you can think about particular positions in England that could fit into the idea you have just created. 



Create a CV 


There are many and many instructive articles that can teach you to create a really neat and professional CV. That is not the purpose of this article. But it is important to mention that your CV should be truthful but showing off your qualities and talents at the same time. Don’t be afraid to highlight your assets but remember you’re going to have to deliver as well. Take your time and put some effort into creating the CV and double-check for any mistakes or typos in the final stage. 


Also keep in mind your CV should be in compliance with the important points mentioned above. Your CV doesn’t have to inform about every little detail, save some points for your interview in person. 



Look and ask around 


Now you have an amazing CV in your hands (or a computer) and you are beginning to search for an interview opportunity. A primary way to get to talk to your potential future employer in the UK is to send your CV in reaction to offers found on the internet. But it is not the only way. You can also try the “old school” method of visiting and delivering your CV in writing personally. If you daily go past that cosy little café in Yorkshire you’d just love to work in, don’t be shy and give it a shot. This extra effort might impress some english employers but you should try to do it with some amount of elegance and class. Also, personal visit probably would be more appropriate for small local business where you have a chance to bump into the owner personally than for huge corporations that often follow protocol really closely and prefer the “official” way of contacting them when they are hiring. You just handing your CV to some random secretary probably would not make a difference and on top of that this might be kind of confusing and awkward for everyone. You don’t want to look desperate, nosy or obtrusive. 


Other options could be to visit a job fair in England, to contact a local UK head-hunter or to browse through local magazines and newspapers. And last but not least you absolutely can ask around inside a circle of your friends, family or other people you know – you just might be in luck. 



Be patient and enjoy the journey 


Remember that the journey to your ideal job can be a very long and complex one. Don’t expect an answer to every e-mail you send and don’t expect you will be invited for an interview even when they respond – they might say no to you and it is their right to do so. Do not become bitter because of a few negative reactions and keep in mind that you only need one of the UK employers to say YES to you – and there are many. This process will teach you patience and perseverance and those are definitely the qualities that can be utilised in almost every area of your life. 


Don’t take yourself and the searching process too seriously, do what you can do and then…just wait. Don’t count on anything until you’ve signed the employment contract no matter how great you feel about the communication or the interview. 


Looking for a job and learning to endure a few rejections is invaluable life experience that can really help you grow and be much more confident. All you need is the right perspective.




Work from Home Tips


Working from home has become the new normal since the start of the pandemic. As companies consider how and when to return staff to the office, many discuss permanent work-from-home options or hybrid schedules. Since working from doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, here are a few tips to keep you on-task as you continue to utilize your home as your office space.



Set a routine


If working from home will be an everyday thing, this is an essential step to success. Just like a structured day in an office environment, learn to structure your day similarly at home. Set hours for yourself and schedule out tasks so that you have direction throughout the day. Make the schedule and stick to it daily. Make sure to include time for lunch and also include time for breaks to refresh and recharge.



Separate work from home


One of the most challenging parts about working at home is separating your work-life from your home life. To avoid having an imbalance between the two, stick to the hours you have set for yourself and when you’re outside those hours, disconnect from work, whether that means turning off the computer, putting away your designs, or turning off your phone. Creating a separate space to work in, like a home office, can significantly increase your productivity. Just because you work from home does not mean that work is your entire life.



Get out of the house


So you don’t work in a corporate office, that doesn’t mean that you’re stuck in one place. On days where you feel stir-crazy or unmotivated, switch venues and check out a coffee shop or set up your office in a library study room for the day. There are also collaborative working spaces such as XX. Working at another location can prevent you from having an unproductive day and feeling antsy in your house. Even if it’s for an hour or so, venturing out of the house can help you regain your focus in a new setting.



Stay connected


Working at home can feel lonely and isolated. To avoid feeling disconnected and bored, schedule coffee meetings and lunch dates and regularly meet with clients outside of your home. Even heading to a coffee shop can prevent you from feeling disconnected from the working world.



Recognize distractions


Working at home will usually provide more distractions than an office environment. From kids to phone calls, your day can get interrupted more often than you’d like. It can be easy to get frustrated that your day isn’t going as planned in these moments. Recognize the distraction and take the time you need to regroup and get back to work. Going back and forth from life to work over and over can become exhausting and dampen the quality of your work.

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